Pain Point: Driver File Management and Compliance

Driver File Management Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

The life cycle of a driver is a convoluted path, traditionally paved with piles and piles of paperwork. We know how challenging it is to keep track of all the necessary documentation and ensure compliance.

  • Onboarding New Drivers and Rehires
  • HR Files
  • Safety Files
  • DQ files
  • Driver Logs
  • Renewals
  • HIPPA Compliant Medical Files

Is that everything? Is it TOO much? Are you not only maintaining your files, but are you keeping them relevant and organized? Think of the DOT like Goldilocks: Everything must be just right because failure to maintain your records may lead to fines, penalties, and other legal issues.

Driver reviewing files on DQM Software

Drive File Management Software
Designed For Your Needs!

Our software is an electronic gamechanger for documenting every step of a driver’s employment. Imagine seamless onboarding, enhanced accuracy, automated renewal processes, real-time recordkeeping, and increased productivity. How much more will you be able to accomplish with all that freed-up time? Let’s find out.

Connect with us today for a demo. 

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