It’s Time to Automate Your DQ File Management

Jan 7, 2023 | Driver File Qualification File Management, Software

Fleet management comes with a long list of responsibilities and maintaining accurate driver qualifications (DQ) files is a critical part of that. To ensure compliance and minimize the risk of errors, automating your company’s DQ files can be a great solution. Let’s discuss why automating your company’s DQ file management is a smart decision and the benefits associated with it.

ROI for DQ File Management is High

Automating your company’s DQ files is a worthwhile investment. The initial cost of implementation may be high, but the long-term costs associated with manual processes, such as time spent on data entry and potential fines for errors, can be much higher.

No More Mistakes

Having an automated DQ file system can help prevent errors and missing pages. Automated systems can alert admins when information is missing or incorrect, or when documents are due to expire. This can help ensure that all documents are up-to-date and accurate, and that nothing is overlooked when it comes to DQ file management.

Your Drivers Are Comfortable with a Digital Solution

Most drivers are very comfortable with digital applications, with up to 90% of drivers completing their Department of Transportation applications on a mobile device in 2018. For most areas of drivers’ lives, they are comfortable using a digital solution to manage their information such as applying for jobs, submitting documents, and even requesting rides. Automating your company’s DQ files will make it easier for drivers to access their documents, and makes it more efficient for admins to manage them.

Free Up Compliance Hours for Other Tasks

Automating DQ files can free up a lot of time for compliance admins. By outsourcing manual tasks, such as manually entering driver information into the system, admins can repurpose 20+ hours each week to focus on other tasks such as improving compliance processes and developing more efficient ways to manage driver qualifications.

Always Be Ready for a DOT Audit

No matter when a DOT audit comes, you can be sure that your DQ files are always up to date. Automating your company’s DQ files ensures that all documents are stored in one place and are accessible to the right people at all times. This makes it easier for admins to quickly pull up driver information in the event of an audit.

Implement Automated DQ File Management with dqm connect From Vehicle Licensing Consultants

If you’re looking for a better way to manage your company’s DQ files, you should consider dqm connect. Dqm connect is a web-based solution that makes it easy to manage driver qualifications and automate your company’s DQ files. It’s easy to use and has features such as customizable forms, automated notifications, and document storage that can help make your job easier.

Get started today and inquire about starting a demo of dqm connect to take your fleet management to the next level.

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